The Tarantula Faction run a short newsletter that is released prior to events. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide a brief amount of recent information about the faction. To try and leave intrigue within the game, we limit it to major information – the sort of things you might pick up in your classic table-top tavern scenario. Major leadership changes, wars, notable deaths, etc. We also try and include some “fluff” or flavour pieces, nonsense items just designed to give the world a little more scope than just what happens at events.
You can downlaod the latest, and past issues here!
Issue 24 - Great Erdrejan Fayre 1124
Issue 23 - Moot 1 1124
Issue 22 - Through A Mirror Darkly 1123
Issue 21 - Summer Moot 1123
Issue 20 - Great Erdrejan Fayre 1123
Issue 19 - Spring Moot 1123
Issue 18 - Moot 2 1121
Issue 17 - Great Erdrejan Fayre 1121
Issue 16 - Moot 1 1121
Issue 15 - Special Memorial 1120
Issue 14b - Gathering 1119
Issue 14 - Gathering 1119
Issue 13 - Summer Moot 1119
Issue 12 - Great Erdrejan Fayre 1119
Issue 11 - Resolutions 1119
Issue 10 - Gathering 1118
Issue 9 - Summer Moot 1118
Issue 8 - Great Erdrejan Fayre 1118
Issue 7 - Moot 1 1118
Issue 6 - Spring Moot 1117
Issue 5 - Gathering 1116
Issue 4 - Great Erdrejan Fayre 1116
Issue 3 - Spring Moot 1116
Issue 2 - Great Erdrejan Fayre 1115
Issue 1 - Spring Moot 1115