More information about our past leadership is also available

Throne Room of Do'blutheSketch by Anders WillhelmThrone Room of Do'bluthe
Sketch by Anders Willhelm

The Tarantulas are by tradition a Matriarchal society. This is largely from it rising from the remains of the last Drow empire, and with the Drow being Matriarchal the nation followed suit.

In the early years of the Tarantula Faction the many noble houses fought to have their Matron (also known as Il'haress) lead the faction. A peculiar peace lasted for a time when the noble houses decided that the Matrons of each house should sit council, and together they would rule. This inevitably lead to more infighting as houses vied for dominance of the council. 

One matron however stood above the rest. When Araushnee Naxos D'Fey rose to lead she claimed the title of Val'sharess (Queen of Queens). In history this was the most respected position within the drow nations. When such an old tradition was revived the noble houses all rallied behind it, and this tradition has since maintained. The word of the Val'sharess is beyond question or doubt, and loyalty to her and her cause unwavering. This position is not hereditary; instead it falls to the most respected and trusted of all the drow. 

The following list dictates, as the Val’Sharess commands, those who are permitted to speak with her authority whilst the faction is on deployment and on which issues. These positions are granted, and taken, by her will alone and the chosen understand that failure in their duty will result in death.

Matters of governance and local law are determined by the ruling household of the region. Barring direct intervention of the Val'sharess, each household has complete autonomy.


Will of the Throne - Barran Ironfounder

Empress Triel Al'tath has named Barran to stand as the Will of the Throne, to lead the faction, and to act and speak with the will of the Val'Sharess

Will of the Pantheon - Solitaire Aryvandaar

This role serves as a direct advisor to The Will of the Throne, as well as holding responsibility for all matters regarding internal faction politics and actions.

Council Member - Zansas V'Rinn

Sits on the White Council of Telantiwar as a council member advising the Will of the Throne

Council Member - Vacant

Sits on the White Council of Telantiwar as a council member advising the Will of the Throne

High Incantor - Zansas V'rinn

Reports to The White Council of Telantiwar

The High Incantor acts as the highest focus of faith within the faction and assumes responsibility for all theological matters, regardless of Ancestor. They should also be responsible for the training of faction incantation skills and liaising with the appropriate guilds.

High Mage - Pippin

Reports to The White Council of Telantiwar

The High Mage acts as the nexus of void power, and assumes responsibility for educating, expanding and enlightening the Spellcasters of the Tarantulas. They should also be responsible for the training of faction spellcasting skills and liaising with the appropriate guilds.

High Ritualust - Briseis Maelthra

Reports to The White Council of Telantiwar

The High Ritualist is one of our most skilled and experienced ritualists. The role is to ensure ritual time allocation is arranged between the watchers and the factions ritualists. They should also provide advice and guidance to faction ritualists, this role is very likely to liase with other academic groups on a regular basis.

High Channeller - Marcus Lehn

Reports to The White Council of Telantiwar

It is the High Healers responsibility to ensure the well being of the living members of the faction. They are responsible for arranging training and guidance to those wishing to learn or further improve on their skills of healing as well as ensuring continued relations with the appropriate guilds.

Guardian of the Underdark - Corren Morghun

This role serves as a direct advisor to The Will of the Throne, as well as holding responsibility for all matters regarding external politics and actions.

Council Member - Iza Darkblade

Sits on the White Council of Telantiwar as a council member advising the Will of the Throne

Council Member - Vacant

Sits on the White Council of Telantiwar as a council member advising the Will of the Throne

High Ambassador - Forr El'stire

Reports to The White Council of Telantiwar

It is the High Ambassador's responsibility to ensure we know what is going on the surface.

The High Ambassador is responsible for advising the Lord Seneschal and Command on foreign policy and of any issues that arise between the Tarantulas and any other Nation or Guild. They are also duly expected to be fully aware of, and to become involved in as per the Lord Seneschal and Commands instructions, any issues with or between other nations that directly affects the factions interests using the full authority of its office where required.

The High Ambassador assumes final responsibility for chosen Ambassadorial staff and ensuring that they are correctly briefed to entertain foreign dignitaries in the manner that their factions conduct dictates.

The High Ambassador can have as many diplomats as needed, and encouraged to name a deputy.

High Artisan - Shadow

Reports to The White Council of Telantiwar

The High Artisan is responsible for ensuring that those that can make do so, and those who wish to commission items can find the right crafters.

Keeper of the master list of Crafting specialists, the Minister of Artisans organises the right people to the right guilds to ensure that they are using their full potential, and where possible that the items made are being put to best use and value by the faction.

War Commander - Rezexi Cruentatus

Reports to The White Council of Telantiwar

This role is military and is exclusive to a single person. It is the War Commanders responsibility to win battles by executing any tactics.

The War Commander is responsible for holding the line, keeping morale and executing tactics within a battle or combat situation. She is to be at the front of the battle and where required will personally lead the charge, after ensuring that all tactical conditions have been met by her officers. 

The War Commander is responsible for choosing suitable Generals and staff to command the factions armed forces, and for ensuring that any staff selected fully understand and are capable of following tactical plans.

High Scout - Jandar

Reports to The White Council of Telantiwar

It is the High Scout’s responsibility to appraise the War Commander on the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy.

The High Scout is the eyes and ears of the War Commander. They are responsible for giving a reasonable estimate of numbers and strengths and weaknesses of enemy forces, and to suggest ways in which to exploit such information. 

The High Scout is expected to take charge of any skirmish detail upon the battlefield, and to follow any tactics dictated by the War Commander.

Quartermaster - Vacant

Reports to The White Council of Telantiwar

The quartermaster is responsible for managing the empires armouries, and keeping track of the many relics that the empire contains.
