Unfortunately detailed information about the houses and the holdings of the Tarantula Faction is restricted to members of the faction.
There will be many names not listed here. If you have information on a house here or one that has been missed, contact the Library Staff who will update the records.
Active Houses of the Tarantulas Nation
Brotherhood of Night
Clan Kage
Court of Pandaemonium
House Aryvandaar
House Cruentatus
House Grey
House Kerithrion
House Karrash-Morr
House Maelthra
House Micar
House Rea'Morda
Former Houses of the Tarantulas
Bickerstaff Institute
Claws of Bast
Court of the Dark Angel
Death Guard
House Elendar
House Eternal
House Gereshen
House Kenafin
House Khe'raine
House Machka
House Mlezzir
House Naxos D'Fey
House Renor
House Rith'Tar
House Talos
House Viscophy
Spiderbitten Men
Storm Head
The Church of Virtue
The Cult
Tiding of Magpies
The Tramp Nation
The Wardens
The Wolverines
Veldrin Tal-Halra