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Clan Kage was founded by Illharess Kilhara Kage. Her people were being attacked by many enemies on the
surface of Nihon, so she led them on an epic trek.
Beset by enemies and wild creatures she led them to the Dark Valley with a cavern entrance to the neardark.
They struggled to stay alive losing many to the dangers of the darkness. This seemed to spell the end of the
Clan. At this darkest of moments the Illharess made contact with the Greater Shadow Oni. What occurred is
not recorded but the elite of the Clan were gifted abilities by the Greater Shadow Oni that enabled them to
protect the Clan against the dangers.
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Ilharess Momosan Kage ( -1106)
Regent Mamarou Kage (1106 -1108)
Ilharess Kazumi Kage (1108 - )
Recent History
Following the death of her mother and as the only surviving daughter Momosan Kage became Illharess.
In her early days as a ruler a foxkin Shit-Tzu was adopted into the clan. A few years later after his death
what is now named Kage Kitsune, a blending of foxkin of his family and kitsune, became allied with Clan
During her rule Illharess Momosan Kage committed the Clan to re-embracing the shadows and become a
strong part of the Tarantula Nation.
The Clan became an active part of the Tarantulas Nation and started visiting the surface lands
Several members achieved Tarantula positions of high stature. High Ambassador, Guild Liaisons, including
Head of Guild Liaisons, Paladin, and General of the Warhost. The Illharess continued to lead and soon rose
to command level of the entire Tarantula Nation.
It was also the wish of Illharess Momosan Kage that a ritual be performed, with the aid people of the Tarantula
Nation to request the return of lost abilities from the Greater Shadow Oni. The ritual occurred in the
year AF1103 while visiting the surface lands of Albion. Of those abilities no more will be spoken, save to
say that the Greater Shadow Oni deemed the elite of the Clan worthy to receive his gift once more.
Moving Shadows
At the Gathering AF1106 Lolth called Illharess Momosan Kage to a great task. She was to help rebuild the
Tarantula Academies. As this was to be her life task she would no longer lead Clan Kage. As the daughter of
Momosan was too young to take charge Illharess Momosan Kage took the extraordinary step of placing her
most trusted male Vekra Kage in charge of the Clan until the daughter comes of age.
Towards the end of 1106 Vekra Kage took unprecented action. Some say he was warned by a higher power.
Others say he merely used information received from advisors. With city under siege form Nihon armies, in
secret and without warning, he evacuated the bulk of the nobles and many of the commoners. He led them
to the lands belonging to the Tarantula Nation. Soon after the evacuation Nihon forces occupied the city.
Unfortunately for them the effects of the cataclysm were soon felt. Water levels rose flooding the land. The
valley and all surrounding land is now below sea level, sealing its fate.
On the way to the lands of the Tarantula Nation refugees and survivors of the cataclysm were found and
were brought into the fold of the Clan. With the aid of these people and under the inspiring leadership of
Vekra Kage, with personal permission from the Valsharess, construction began of the new city.
During this time the Kage-Kitsune curiosity and abilities to mix and make things came to the fore. Large
amounts of potions and weapons were made available to the Tarantula Nation helping to raise further the
standing of the Clan within the Tarantula Nation.
During AF1107 attacks occurred on the Tarantula nation forcing them into a war with the Unicorn faction.
At the Grand Fayre after a peaceful Jugger Ball game the Unicorns launched an attack on the defenceless
Tarantula team killing some. At the Moots the Tarantula faction after initial skirmishes had a honour battle
with members of the Unicorn faction. It was agreed by both sides that no rules were set so inevitably the
Unicorns perished. At the following Gathering five factions launched an unprovoked attack on the camp
slaughtering several Tarantulas including the Qu`ellar Jabbuk.
Fortification of Shadows
Maramou Kage head of the Palace Guard adopted the mantle of Regent. He continued to oversee the task of
construction of the new city Ichi No Kage.
In the early part of AF1108 Kazumi Kage niece of Momosan Kage, who had been missing for years arrived
at the new city and as a Priestess of Lolth soon consolidated her power by becoming High Priestess. Soon
after a smooth transition of power organised by the Regent placed her as head of the Clan. Ruling until the
Momosan Kage`s daughter becomes of age and claims the title of Illharess.