Yet of all the elves created on that day one stood out beyond all others, she was Lolthiriel. Dragon born to clan Cancarneyar she was the shining light of the elves, a being wise, kind and so beautiful all who knew her loved her. It is perhaps unsurprising that she was made queen of the Illythiiri and upon her marriage to Larethian Thuleandor, king of the Lythari she was proclaimed Qua Val'sharess or queen of queens by the Elven people as a whole. - The Story of Lolthiriel

The title Val'sharess once meant 'undisputed queen of the Elves', a name now almost exclusively used by the Drow and by the Tarantulas Nation as the title of the Il'haress chosen by Lolth to lead her children. Now taken as the title for 'She who is most blessed by Lolth'; it now elevates the religious leader of the Faction to the most powerful queen amongst all.

Since the fall of the last great drow empire infighting between the noble houses had meant that no Val'sharess had been named in many ages. It wasn't until the stability of the new Tarantula Faction left by the first Karrash-Morr era that allowed Araushnee Naxos D'Fey to become the first true Val'sharess since the drow empire reformed, and she passed this title to Ginifae Karras-Morr when called back by Lolth.


The Val'Sharess's word is law in all things, and is the single law of the Tarantulas Nation.


Val'sharess Triel Al'tath

1115 - Current (Ascended to Lolth's side 1121 at the end of the Great Erdrejan Faire)
Chosen by Lolth and delivered to the Tarantula Nation whilst on campaign 


Val'sharess Ginafae Karrash-Morr

1109 - 1114AF
Chosen by Lolth and named as such by Aurashnee Naxos D'Fey.

Currently missing, believed to have been reclaimed by Lolth herself.


Val'sharess Araushnee Naxos D'Fey

1106 - 1109AF

The first faction leader to abandon the 'Grand Matron' title, and use the name Val'Sharess.

Il'haress Momsan Kage

1104 - 1105AF


Il'haress Al'De-ath Karrash-Morr

1101 - 1104AF

Disbanded the council of matrons upon taken control 


Il'haress Inzil Talos

1099 - 1101AF


Il'haress Saravey Gereshin

1096 - 1099AF


Il'haress Vindryss Naxos D'Fey

1093 - 1096AF


Il'haress Shenain of House Moor'den'Aar

