Research Article
The information contained in this article is the result of research done by players from within the Game World. The contents are only as factual as the original author intended and should not be unduly modified.
The Demonfey are a race of abominations, created by the ritual impregnation of a Dark Elf by a Demon, during the second age. The child this created was able to pass on her demonic/drow heritage, although the original ritual was never recreated. This child went on to become the self proclaimed Empress Sarya Kenafin.
Read More: The Paladin Vlonryn
Il'haress Sarya Kenafin, leader of House Kenafin
Other Notable Demonfey
Xephonis Kenafin Eldest daughter of Sarya, and to date the most affable towards the Tarantula Faction. Xephonis has been responsible for saving some notable members of the faction.
Tarvin Kenafin Killed GEF 1118 during peace talks. Sarya's son, he is a formidable creature, a demon of war as it were. Will fight with fierce determination and loyalty in defence of his family
Demon Lord K'Hafran
Read More: The Life & Times of Lord K'Hafran
The Demonfey's origins begin during the age of the first Drow Empire. House Kenafin, a relatively minor house at the time was striving to be more than they were. They Lacked the royal connections usually needed to do this, and weren't strong enough to force a military rise.
So the minds of House Kenafin formulated a plan. Using research performed by Lyander Al'tath, they summoned a powerful demon known as K'Hafran and using their ritual magic he becomes patron of the household, and father to Sarya Kenafin.
Following the death of her mother, Sarya Kenafin becomes leader of House Kenafin, and takes K'Hafran as her patron. Due to the unique nature of her birth, she is capable of creating children with K'Hafran, and begins creating the Demonfey.
Shortly before the Third Age and as part of the Great Purge, the Paladin Order of Lolth assassinate K'Hafran, we believe this information is still not known by the Demonfey.
First War Against the Underdark
First War Against the Underdark
Read More: Testament Statement 1116
House Kenafin was once a minor household, struggling for power and risking falling to the ever increasing warring nature of the dark elves. In their desperation they looked to demonic powers to bolster their own.
Following their pact with Lord K'hafran, he became patron of House Kenafin, and helped to guide them. In time the house grew stronger, not just because of their new found demon-hybrid forces - but K'hafran pushed them to be more. The armies trained harder and for longer. The smiths smelted finer armour and weapons. Most importantly, K'hafran taught them to use their small numbers to their advantage, he taught them to use their skills tactically.
Over the course of a few decades the Demonfey of House Kenafin had been executing a large number of raids into the surrounding areas of the Underdark. They had gained notoriety, prestige and the respect (if not anger) of their neighbours. This is not the beginning of their war in the Underdark, this was the simply lust for power held by all.
Eventually this drew the ire of the some of the older and larger clans. The Order of Lolth is sent to admonish House Kenafin, resulting in the Demonfey being discovered and forced into service within the armies. This was a huge blow to the ego of House Kenafin, but they did not allow this situation to deter them. They continued to produce more Demonfey, and the reappropriated forces were still blindly loyal to Lord K'hafran and Sarya Kenafin.
To prevent this growing power getting out of hand, the Order of Lolth assassinate Lord K'hafran. House Kenafin remain unaware of their lords death, and is simply presumed to be missing. It is during this time that Maediir steps in impersonating Lord K'hafran.
As the Underdark is rocked by the great purge, Maediir convinces the Demonfey to push their rebellion and start fighting back against the other Houses of the Underdark. With forces stretched by the purge, they are able to strike far across the Underdark.
After nearly a century, the Order of Lolth was able to muster enough strenght to be able to push the Demonfey back until they were left defensively holding the city of Trentarus. It was at this point the Order of Lolth discovered Maediirs involvment.
Using a powerful ritual, the Order of Lolth imprison the demonfey within Trentarus, were they slumbered for a milenna. During the same conflict, Maediir was bound into his body, and the body parts seperated. To this day, the Demonfey believe these body parts to belong to Lord K'hafran.
Connection with Satuun
Connection with Satuun
Following the death of K'Hafran, the Demonfey believed him to be missing. In time many of this children began to call out to him through Incantation. K'Hafran could never answer that call, however another saw an opportunity. Maediir, a lieutenant for Satuun, saw a chance to subvert the Demonfey and pit them against the Drow Empire.
Under Maediir's leadership, the Demonfey waged war against the Drow, causing significant damage to the Empire. The Paladin Order was eventually able to defeat them, and ritually imprison them within their home city of Trentarus.
Recognising that Maediir was in fact an agent of Satuun and not K'Hafran, the Paladins bound him to his body and scattered the remains, trapping him on Erdreja.
During their imprisonment, the Demonfey were oblivious to the true nature of Kh'afran. Following their escape from Trentarus, Satuun continued to gift them power, under the guise of K'Hafran.
Some Demonfey have come to realise the true nature of the new found power, and in realising its source are as disgusted as any Dark Elf would be, they have since been seeking to aid the Tarantulas in their war.