Here you will find some of the more notable spoken phrases you may encounter amongst the Tarantula Nation. Over millennia most of the Dark Elven language has fallen into disuse and has become the exclusive domain of scholars. However many phrases and titles have persevered through time and are still in common use.
Outside of these handful of phrases - anything written in "Drow" is usually the Elven TNS. Translating this requires the use of an appropriate TNS skill.
Religious Uses
Lolth Ultrin Qua'Val'Sharess
This loosely translates as 'For Lolth, our supreme ancestral queen'
Lolth T'lu Malaar
This is the most common phrase heard, and is a 'Praise to Lolth'
Lolth Kyorl Dos
This is usually a blessing, although it can be a threat/warning. 'May Lolth watch you', intent is key here.
Avalla Lolth/Other Ancestor
This is a simple praise or glory to the named ancestor. It is rarely used in reference to Lolth however, and is commonly heard in use for other ancestors of the pantheon.
A formal greeting amongst nobles.
A formal goodbye
Its tough to translate directly into common, its along the lines of our most revered ancestral queen or 'queen of queens'. It is the title given solely to Lolth.
This is the most prominent title any member of the Underdark can be granted, it is the position of leadership - granted to our strongest and most noted individual, our Queen. Roughly translates as 'Mother (or Queen) of All'.
This title is given to those who lead a clan/house, in common its known as Matron Mother.
This title is reserved for the Patron of a house
Priestess of Lolth
Jabbress & Jabbuk
This title means 'Master' (Female & Male respectively)
This is a generic honoured and respected title, think along the lines of noble.
It means 'King', though its only ever applied to other nations as a courtesy.