House Rea'MordaHouse Rea'Morda

House Rea'morda has become a signifcant name within Tarantula Society, despite their lineage being from a fairly minor household of Clan Nimesin.

The household is well known for their zealous worship of Lolth. Within their holdings the worship of any ancestor other than Lolth is a capital offence.


House Rea'morda can be recognised by a skeletal spider motif, often in gold. There is no standardised way of wearing the emblem, however most will carry it one form or another.


House Rea'morda is a trading household of Clan Nimeson of the Miyeritari.


House Rea'morda claim the Holy City of Dyur Turic as their home, as well as control of several surrounding cities.

Under the rulership of House Rea'morda, the city of Dyur'truic whilst cosmopolitan in nature has become a fervent centre of faith, with all but the worship of Lolth being outlawed.


Leadership is typical for any drow household, following an Il'sharess, her word is law within their city walls.

Ill’haress Rusalka Rea’Morda – High Priestess and Voice of Lolth

    Patron: Yaskal Shiang - Paladin and Champion of Lolth

Cortusa Rea’Morda – 1st Daughter, Retired to the Underdark

Vikithra Rea'Morda - 2nd Daughter

Lor’ann Rea’Morda – 3rd Daughter, High mage of the faction 1116 > 1117

Suladema Rea’Morda – Politically Married into the Starcraft House of the Viper nation

Xental Rea’Morda – High Ritualist of the faction *1113 > 1116

Malns Rea’Morda - Elder Body



House V’Rinn

Morion V’Rinn - Paladin and Champion of Moandiir

Lorr V’Rinn - Paladin and Champion of Lareth

Zan’sas V’Rinn - Paladin and Champion of Megwandiir, High Incantor 1118 > 1124


Other Drow:

Jlaaxix – Drow warrior, Rumoured “Twin” of Yaskal

Yakuza – Drow, Dagger boy

Vas D'frens - Paladin and Champion of Zinzerena

Zoltreth - (Deceased) – Drow warrior, Former head of the Vampiric Fire blood line. Killed in battle with Samial Archon of Good

Rassar - “The Bandit King” - (Deceased) - Paladin, Acolyte of the Order – Failed his order trials.

Thanos - (Deceased) – House Weapons master. Believed to have been assassinated by the Gryphons reasons unknown.

Lynx - Warscout and alchemist

Nazeal - (Deceased) – Healer and Guild liaison



RandiPan - (Deceased) Golden Satyr and “Pacifist”, Faction Hight Healer ** > 1113. Death through Petrification by Basilisk - Moved to House Gardens.

Tockoles Oakenblade - (Deceased 1119) – Fey, Follower and Head Paladin of the order of Eilistraee. Killed by Daemons rather than betray the faction. Cousin of Briseiss, Dalhatil of House Maelthra. Faction Hight healer *1113 > 1117

Slot’em – Olog, Fanatically Loyal to the Lady in White

Dr Franks – Healer, Human with tophat

Scuz – Former Wolf, Healer, Awakened Human and supposed “hard worker”

B'ows – Hes the B'ows! Awakened Beast Kin

Kardane – Battle Cat

Goblin - do Goblins have names?

Sol - Human Healer

Silvie - Beastkin, Bodyguard of MM, related to B'ows



    The Bounders


Recent History

This information is currently missing.
