Norns are a younger race, descended from the Elves. Prior to the rituals, which created the Drow, they split from the Dark Elves, choosing to live in the near surface icy wastes of the far north. They subsequently re-entered the Underdark and occupy the northern areas of the Underdark.
Embracing the coldness of their new home, they were changed by this harsh environment taking the cold icy nature of the world into themselves. This hardened them to the cold, but also to the rest of the world.
All Norn worship Ineluki (or his previous form of Dracos), no other ancestor could match their temperament, as the pain and hate that fuels Ineluki is shared amongst the Norn who follow him.
Stretching back into history, the Norn began as the Dark Eleven members of Clan Mistrivven, led by Ineluki and Kadriel Mistrivven.
During the Sundering war, this family rallied behind Dracos (Ineluki) efforts in the war. As he became more violent and cold hearted, as did his people. Upon his death, the extended family of Clan Mistrivven was pulled together by his daughter Utuk'ku into her household, House Cruentatus.
The spirit of Dracos fueled their insular nature, turning ever more inwards wiht a strong focus on relying only on themselves, and forsaking all others. This finally led to the Norn of House Cruentatus developing the Fortress City of Nakkiga where the family remains to this day.
Like most Dark Elves, faith is a funamental part of Norn's daily life.
Unlike the Dark Elves, they're focus is not on Lolth or Lothiriel. The Norn pay the reverance to Dracos, so named as the rage of the dragon. This nature embodies their ideal. His cold determination for vengeance (and later utter destruction) became a cornerstone of the Norn way of life.
This faith is fervant and entirely exclusive. To worship another ancestor would be to disrespect the memory of Dracos, and any Norn who dared is likely to be outcast and hunted down for betraying their lineage.
Very little is known of Norn life within Nakkiga. They are a secretive race, that interact with outsiders sparingly.
We do know there is a heavy prevalance of Spellcasting and Necromancy within their ranks, as most follow the teaching of Dracos.
Makeup Advice
A distinguishing feature of the Norns is a white “icy” appearance, typically achieved with white face paint.
Like Dark Elves and Elves, the Norns also usually wear pointed ears held on using spirit gum. There are a wide variety of ear styles and is entirely up to personal choice as to which ears to use.
Playing Notes
The Norn were once, in a time lost to history, all amalgamated to become House Cruentatus. To play a Norn not affiliated with House Cruentatus would be exceptional but is not impossible.
If you wish to play a Norn we recommend contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a briefing as this race has had some significant recent occurrences. Norns do not consider themselves a younger race and share the Elves arrogance and superiority.