House Cruentatus is the principle house of Clan Mistrivven.
Following the death of Ineluki Mistrivven (or Dracos), the Clan was brought under one banner to remember his name.
It is unusual for members of House Cruentatus to carry any sort of symbolism. They can typically be recognised by their distinctive norn features, and grey robes.
Faith within all of House Cruentatus (and Clan Mistrivven) is exclussively to Ineluki/Dracos. House members choose which aspect of Ineluki/Dracos to follow: Ineluki, Dracos or Balance.
House Cruentatus is the principal house of Clan Mistrivven of the Illythiri and under the instruction of Utuk'ku Cruentatus all other houses of Clan Mistrivven were brought under the unified banned of House Cruentatus. Members of House Cruentatus are almost exclusively Norns and many choose/have chosen unlife.
House Cruentatus hold the fortress of Nakkiga. This city is a perilous place for anyone not of Norn heritage, or of the Mistrivven bloodline.
House Cruentatus is led by Queen Utuk'ku, also known as She of the Silver Mask
Recent History
The recovery of the ancient capital Telantiwar brought from the shadows the agent of its descrution Triel Cruentatus. But so in turn a resurgence of activity on the surface by members of this most stalwart of houses
People of Note
Ineluki Mistrivven - Twin bother of Lolthiriel Carcaneyar
Utuk'ku Cruentatus - Daughter of Ineluki Mistrivven and twin sister of Shaol Mistrivven. - Current Head of House Cruentatus.
Shaol Mistrivven - Together with his wife Tallia Aryvandaar, founded the colleges of Incantation in Duan'rahel.
Ashira Mistrivven - Granddaughter of Ineluki and wife of Lyander.
Rael Mistrivven - One of the original paladins.
Yuni Cruentatus - Acoloyte to Rael Mistrivven.
Triel Cruentatus - Mistress of Sorcere - Destroyer of Telnatiwar.
Lestarius Cruentatus - Advisor to the Val'sharess around 1100 AF and consort to Ut'tukku Cruentatus.