Research Article

The information contained in this article is the result of research done by players from within the Game World. The contents are only as factual as the original author intended and should not be unduly modified.

To the surface nations.

My name is Saraya Kenafin, Empress of the Demon-fey and daughter of the Lord K’Hafran of the court of violent retribution.

I now hold the so –called Tarantula Nation’s capital city of Doublouthe and the demonic gateways that are bound there. My forces hold fully a quarter of the Underdark and we can deactivate the ritual circles within the entire Underdark at will and re-activate them as needed. It is only a matter of time before we have completed our subjugation of the Underdark races and our annihilation of the foul followers of the spider queen.

You may ask why I and my people have taken these actions and I shall tell you.

We were brought into the Dark Elven empire thousands of years ago and served loyally in their armies. Then we were turned upon . However, unlike the followers of the other Dark Elven ancestors when the cursed children of Lolth struck, we were prepared. Our war was glorious and honourable; it was only by foul use of ritual magic that we were entombed beneath the city of Doublouthe. As they sealed us away we felt our Lord K’Hafran slain by the sword of the accursed Paladins of Lolth and we swore our revenge. For over a thousand years we have survived on the darkness our need for vengeance sustaining us. We have prepared, we have infiltrated, we have observed, we have deceived and now this Empire of Lolth will fall. I ask only one thing of you guilds, factions and fellow children of Xatabai, your indifference both to my forces and to the soon-to –be terrible plight of the pathetic Tarantula Nation.

In repayment for this trivial consideration, once our cleansing of the darkness is complete, I will be most willing to open up free trade, discuss ritual magic augmentation and access to a number of the secret places of power the Drow have concealed from you.

If you wish to learn more I will offer my hand of friendship to you. My ambassadors will visit your guilds and nations of over the forthcoming months to discuss mutually beneficial arrangements
