This content predates Rules V4.x and may not be relevant to the way the game world works now

Research Article

The information contained in this article is the result of research done by players from within the Game World. The contents are only as factual as the original author intended and should not be unduly modified.

Upon our recent surface gathering at the Summer Moot, Acherontia as a clan were approached by a beastkin named Talon form the Scouts Guild to give on vital information regarding customs of etiquette to be expressed towards the Nihonese

As you may already be aware - Beastkin (or Hengei Yokai as I have it written) are revered in Nihon, as they are seen as voices / links to their Nature-based Ancestors who cannot manifest on the living plain. As such if Beastkin are attacked then we will be protected and those who harm are seen as treasonous.

The Nihonese are an honour-bound people and as such they have certain customs and etiquette that I find will be helpful for us as a Nation to know. I have been told that if an emissary shows up that they are to be greeted with a bow and an offer of hospitality should be shown as a gift - food, drink, map of land were some examples given.

As Clan Acherontia members, are usually on gate guard duties I can see this being a great advantage to us as a Nation - us being a beastkin household and having a beverage of some description to hand most of the time to make their visit one to their liking. If there is anything else that can be done to ensure we are at the top of our game, then we will be ready.

Advice was also given to not insult the Nihonese - not showing them hospitality may do this so I have ensured I have given my clan members the run down on how to behave and the importance of our actions as a race while in Nihon.

Ryx Frostpelt
Lady of Acherontia
