On behalf of the Colleges of Incantation, I, Tallia Aryvandaar, Arch High Incantor, do hereby declare that it has been proved beyond all reasonable doubt that, Ineluki Mistrivven, otherwise known as Dracos, has ascended, following his recent death in the ritual circle at Asu’a, to join his sister, our beloved Lolthiriel, on the planes of the Ancestors.

Studies have been conducted into the claims of Rael Mistrivven and other members of Clan Mistrivven, that prayers and incantation spells cast in the name of Dracos are drawing power and functioning as if they were cast in the name of Lolthiriel. Having watched Rael run through a full repertoire of successful Incantations, I have no doubts remaining as to the validity of these assertions.

Based on the evidence provided, the college of Incantors will henceforth be accepting students, who worship Dracos and we are happy for the proposed construction of a shrine to Dracos to proceed.

These events have raised a number of questions, which will require further study. The first pertain to Rael Mistrivven’s account of his visitation by Dracos, in which he clearly describes Dracos as having the attributes of an unliving. As Unlife is a choice made by those, who cannot fulfil their purpose in life, the question must be asked what is Dracos’ unfinished business? Equally if he is residing on the plane of the Ancestors, why was his transition to Unlife unsuccessful? And is it possible to be on the plane of the Ancestors as an unliving?

Secondly, if Dracos has joined his sister on the plane of the Ancestors, this clearly indicates the transformation, which took place upon her death was not unique. Until we learnt of Dracos’ ascension, none of has had even considered drawing power in the name of our other fallen. Initial experiments since we learnt, have indicated that none of our other fallen have joined Lolthiriel on the ancestral plane, as we have not been able to draw the power for incantation spells in their names.

This raises the question, what makes Dracos and Lolthiriel special? Is it their family ties? If that were the case, then I would be able to draw power in the name of Shaol, but neither I nor any other member of the colleges of Incantation has successfully been able to incant in the name of our founder. Is it the position of importance they held within their clans? Unlike, Lolthiriel, Dracos only assumed the leadership of Clan Mistrivven, upon the death of his wife Kadriel some 600 years earlier, at the very outset of this war. Experiments in incanting in her name, have also proved unsuccessful, so it is reasonable to conclude that it is not a position of prominence in a clan that grants the ability to ascend. Is it their love for their people that ties them to Erdreja even after death to do their best on their behalf? Or is it the love and respect that their people had for them, which refuses to allow them to be consigned to oblivion on the planes of the dead?

As the answer to these questions is of paramount importance to our purpose in the colleges of Incantation, I do decree, that all resource not dedicated to the war effort will be put to researching these issues and ensuring we have a complete understanding of the powers we wield. Tallia Aryvandaar Arch High Incantor
