This content predates Rules V4.x and may not be relevant to the way the game world works now

Research Article

The information contained in this article is the result of research done by players from within the Game World. The contents are only as factual as the original author intended and should not be unduly modified.

Newly descovered Post-Cataclysm Curses and Diseases

Taken from the notes of High Healer Tockles of Rea Morda, Martius of the Death Guard, and discussions from within the faction.


Detects as: Unknown
A very fast acting curse that will kill its victim in 2 minutes or 4 if they are protected by a sanctuary. Delivered by a weapon strike.

Cure: Place the subject under a 'Shield Against Corruption' and then 'Heal Fatal Wound' to all the locations

The application of sanctuary will extend the survival time from two minutes to four minutes - Raziel.



Targets: Unliving Patterns

Detects as: Unknown. Each person seen affected was debilitated or unconscious.
This curse places its victim in their grace period. The Sanctuary spell cast by second circle incantors and paladins does not work on those affected by Redemption.

Cure: The cursed need to be wasted by a Chant of Wasting for at least 30 seconds then healed to full.

It is not possible to sanctuary an unliving, so you cannot extend the grace period of the target like you can for the living version - Raziel

Banishment (Rumoured)

Targets: Summoned Creatures (Daemon, Elemental, Ancestral. Unknown as yet if this includes unliving, assumed to until informed otherwise.).

Detects as: Unknown.
Tremaine McTaff was slain by (as far as those closer to the act than me saw) a weapon blow by a servant of White Reaver claiming that it 'Banished' him. His body did not immediately disappear as it would if dismissed and incantors were attempting some form of cure. After what I would estimate was no more than 2 minutes the body had disappeared.

Cure: Unknown


Necromantic Blight

Targets: Living Patterns

Detects as: Fatal wound
Upon the curses culmination the target reanimates as an sentient unliving.

Cure: Requires 6 'Heal Fatal' Wounds or 'Total Heals' cast upon the target.


Corrupted Roots

Targets: All pattern types; Living, Unliving and Magical.

Detects as: A poison which is unidentifiable by someone with knowledge of poisons and potions.
A plant grows in the body of victim and being to kill them, estimated time till death is 10 minutes.

Cure: A surgeon is able to remove the the roots, after which the patient need to be healed to full on all locations then a incantor or mage needs to Counter Spell on the patient, then a Purge all Poisons needs to be cast on them. Even after all of the procedure is complete the patient will be left unconscious and needing further healing.


Scaven Scabies

Target: Beastkin Racial type, Pattern state resistances are unknown.

Detects as: Disease.
Seems to only affect Beastkin. The only outwardly visible effect of this curse is an impeded walking speed, able to maintain nothing more than a slow walk, until someone tries to cure the disease on the beastkin at which point the patient takes a wound to the location where the life energy entered their body, should a Cure Decay spell be used instead then the patient takes a wound to every location. This curse also makes the victim Immune to the Ritual of Peace and under the effects of a Wasting, but grants them additional abilities. It is believed that if the curse is left untreated it would prove fatal within a day.This curse is very contagious and will spread to other beastkin rapidly.

Cure: Requires a rite enacted by a Rite Master that must last for at least 1 minute and 16 thaums of power donated by people who have the ability to cure decay with their own power. The Rite Master must emphasize the fact that the rite is for 'Cleansing the Beastkin'.

Notes: Anyone infected is not debilitated and can still use their powers but can not move faster than a slow walk. The also gain an extra ability; cause disease. 
This curse will affect the beastkin even if they are normally immune to disease.
They are under a wasting effect but anyone else doing a wasting effect on them will not work. They are immune to the ritual of peace. Sanctuary works. - Martius

'Pre-Cataclysm' Decay

Targets: Living patterns

Detects as: Decay.
The Victim begins to decay at a faster rate than has been seen since the Cataclysm. The decay starts at the location struck and spreads to all other locations connected to it after 1 minute, depending on where the victim is infected they could be dead after just 2 minutes.

Cure: The best way to cure this is to have multiple healers removing decay on different body parts.

A Decay which seems to spread much as I am informed it used to prior to the cataclysm. - Solitaire



Taken from 'Looking Glass' Issue 12

Targets: Everyone.

Detects as: N/A
The victim will seem to have forgotten almost everything. This curse looks as if the victim's pattern is being drawn upon (and gradually diminished) by another power. Skills they have learnt are lost. If someone can free the victim's mind they may temporarily remember the things they have forgotten. 

Cure: A rite must be performed by a Mind Healer. In the rite there must be people who are competent in the skills the victim has forgotten, and they must demonstrate that skill as part of the rite. For each skill that is replaced into the victim's mind 4 countermagics or 1 high countermagic must be cast to break the link to the power who was stealing the knowledge.


Magical Resonance

Targets: Everyone.

Detects as: Huge amount of magical energy
The effects of this curse vary, but anyone attempting to perform a rite or ritual without the correct skills can be affected. Some victims have been known to be maimed by anything that raises their personal thaum rating above zero, including any items and sigils which are destroyed after ten seconds, in other cases the target could not cast at all, whilst another also took the effect of any spell non-beneficial spell back upon themself with the added efect of confusion. What adds to this curses to lethality is that in observed cases, targets can also take all damage as if they were struck with an artefact, and lose all physical conditioning or magical protections leaving them able to withstand only a single hit.
The time the curse takes to kill can vary, the observed case gave an estimated three months until death.

Cure: Firstly remove all magical items from their body immediately, but the cure varies from case to case. All known cases require the victims to have used all their power by midday and then a person with the ability to heal magical patterns to cast a free mind within an eight minute window (four minutes to midday or four minutes after). The fully observed case required the target to use all of their power by midday and then must have  a significant number (believed to be 7 counter magics and 7 high counter ) cast on them before a healer who can heal magical patterns casts a free mind spell.

Notes: In the case I witnessed myself [the sigils exploding] caused the victim to bleed from all locations -Tockles.
Advanced Pattern Scan!!! - Tockles.

Dac's 'Blessing'

Kage-Kitsune Miso

Targets: Presumably everyone

Detects as: Petrification
Victim is immobilized, and nothing detects as being wrong for about 5 minutes. Once the petrify is removed, attempts to discern the curse results in physical damage to the healer.

Cure: The petrify and curse appear to be separate effects, as the petrifaction can be cured without removing the curse. Remove the petrify, via normal methods, after 5 minutes have passed, then the victim must receive the following all at the same time to remove the curse - halt, paralysis, sleep and at least Dismiss Rank 3.

Notes: The Curse prevents the detection or removal of the Petrification effect for the first 5 minutes.
This curse is aretificial, in that it is only bestowed by Dac's forces, and so should cease once he is defeated.
