Research Article

The information contained in this article is the result of research done by players from within the Game World. The contents are only as factual as the original author intended and should not be unduly modified.

Even for a race as long lived as ours, it is uncommon for any of us to live through events that truly reshape the world. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish my life had been filled with the sort of normality that most would consider boring and dull. But it is not in my power to change the past. All I can hope is that, by writing this tale, I may prevent such tragedies from occurring again in the future. For I have seen my world ripped asunder and reformed in a new image, and I can no longer rest without ghosts from the past challenging me through means of all too real nightmares. I long for restful peace, and I hope that when this work is complete, I will finally be granted that which I desire.
