1123 Spring Moot (Bears) - Barothness


Our First venture to the surface this season was to be in Bears lands and the city of Barothness

Attacks occuring while on the surface:


The forces of the Betrayer were crushed as they sough to assault the factions camped alongside our nation. The Unicorns, Hearts, and Vipers.


The Bael Norns resistance must be in Telantiwar must be impassive indeed for the forces of Triel only attacked our camp once during our time on the surface, occurring on the first night on the surface.

The Baelnorn:

It appears the Nobles faction of the Baelnorn have left the city of Telantiwar, with the death of the General of the militant faction things are deterioration in the city all the while under attack from the forces of Triel

The Labrinth and the Trials of the Queens:

Mines of Mullengar

War Commander Rezexi advised me of a challenge from the hand maiden of Lolth linked with the Mines of Mullengar. The challenge was to annoint a champion in blood the blood of three victims a willing elf, a Fae taken by surprising, enraged Olog and dwarf nearly dead. These tributes would come from the peoples of the surface. It was Izumi Cruentatus who worked her guide and convince willing and may be not quite so expecting candidates from the dragons faction. This task complete Rezexi was appointed a champion of this quest joining Alanna.

The second part of the Lolths task we were advised by the hand maiden was twofold to share the story of Lolth with those outside our nation and to strengthen Lolths true faithful fist the ‘Order of Lolth and so word went out to our friends and allies in particular the Dragons who know much of Domnu and the Being who inhabits the mines of Mullengar

Supported by Mistress Xya Kerithrion and Leandra of House Eternal the story of Lolth and her aspects was given. The Order presented its new Priestess in the form of Leandra of House Eternal, Aspirant Kaladar was summoned from her role supporting the Tarantulan 1st army to be named Acholite of the order. Paladin of the order Kyle Morgan proclaimed that a member of House eternal had begun Edjreyas trials to act as a warrior of faith in Lolth name. and finally, Acholite Lothavelve Keltormiir Who sought to serve Lolth by becoming her first Druid, Lolth seeing this for the first time chose to ascend Lothavelve into her embrace.

Our armies and the Bears

To support the Bears situation with Queen Th’reza we sent the armies of the 1st, 9th and recently the 6th all of whome have suffered greatly.


Our actions during this time were not limited to the surface

The rescue of Pebbles 

Upon arriving the group would follow a Trail of dead dwarfs, and evetually groups of dwarfs and daemons found to be worshiping Nokus worshipping Tellurian Cult. Dangers in this passage included crevices and creatures who tried to turn our party to stone. But soon the party would catch up with the group responcable for the capture of Pebbles and retrieve him. But this action would raise an alarm and other soon came to retake Pebbles forcing a fighting retreat most of which would be slow going though hasened by a creature scemingly able to shrug off any blow.

Returning to the camp we found the kidnappers were based in Telluria and were looking to obtain magical item to drain there power.
We were successful in broaching further talks between the Artificer and the Will of the Throne, in order to have the Artificer leave his workshop and witness the crowning of Baron as Imperator of the Tarantula Nation.

- There are rumors of Tellurian dwarfs interacting with various nations prehaps there is more to the inquiries being made by Xixix

The Silence of the Pantheon

Late in the evening of our first day on the surface an Avatar of Arushnee appeared. Our actions during the initial campaign to reclaim Telantiwar were just the first steps on the path of redemption for myself and the nation, The Pantheon would remain silent until Lolth was satisfied And so the trials would be begin.

Arushnee -

As Informed on the second day on the surface as the first trial of the harp took place. The avatar appeared from The Arch of Lolth required the Cup of Lolth and a volunteer. As the cause of Lolth anger I volunteered, and lead to group to obtain the Cup from a member of the faction. The trial could take place in the open field near the guilds. The Cups was used to Link myself with another elf who was brought with Arushnee. Once linked any damage affecting myself would affect the other, and so the trial began with a blow from Lolth destroying my right arm, which was quickly healed

Lareth -

The Third day on the surface Arushnee came to us again. And after the trial the day before we were better prepared, the order of Lolth having spread word of Lareth to the nation. For the completion of our previous task Arushnee told us that Lolth would crush a city of heretics for us. After a few moments the city of Dark Haven currently under control of Triel Cruentatus this caused discussion on if they are in fact Heretics, for they follow Dracos and while Triel acts against our nation she still follows the ancestor faithfully.

At this time various beings bearing the marks of the ancestors began moving amongst the gathered nation.

I had heard the discussions taking place amongst out nation, debates of faith, suggestions of other cities. But ultimately, I had already come to a decision, the teaching of the order have taught us of the sacrifices made by Lolth in the journey across the webs of time and fate the exact teachings we were now being tested on.

The answer I gave was simple and one I hope any of the true faith would give. Lolth has already given us her children much, but all her sacrifices were to give us the strength to survive. And so we would use that strength to deal with our problems ourselves we would retake Dark haven in Lolth name and secure access to the Ancestral grove once more.

And so, with a broad smile Arushnee accepted the answer and the trial was over.

It was after I learnt more about the beings bearing the marks of the ancestors they had spread amongst those present whispering temptations of power and wealth.

Going forth the order will continue to provide teaching to the nation of Lolths former aspects so that her people can truly know the sacrifices she has made for us all.

In faith
Zansas V'rinn
Exiled Champion of Lolth

