On the 18th day of the 12th month of the year 1121 the Tarantula nation along with allies gathered at Dark Haven for a night with an invite from Lord Barron Ironfounder. I assumed this would be like other get togethers an I would be allowed a night off from my usual duties and be left to drink and find enjoyment but alas this was not the case for most of this evening.

After a long journey from the transport circle, we arrive at the gathering hall where we are welcomed by Baron and a Bael Norn who said we needed to solve six puzzles to test us to get some information to do something about Telantiwar. (I honestly was not paying attention I had drink an at the moment in time after a long journey that’s all that mattered.)

I then got called to a meeting with two of the watchers that had come to the evening Casper and Magpie. They advised me that there was some doubt in whether or not I should receive the training I started at the Gathering of nations because Erdreja saw it fit to move our hosting of the heartlands from the Summer Moot to the Great Erdrejan Fayre where there is no active circle. As you can imagine I was very concerned, angry I would not receive this training due to the watchers believing that Erdreja had lost faith in my abilities.

After a sit down with Baron, solitaire and the watchers it was discussed I could still have the training as they believed that Baron also lost trust in my abilities, which I pointed out if that was the case I would not be standing there as is the Tarantula way if you fail you die. I have also never caused harm, aberrancy or any danger to anyone in my rituals or Erdreja herself and I will always put it first to do all in my power to stop anything like this in a ritual.

I then spent some time chatting with visitors of the other nations, I was advised by someone who name I forget (can’t be that important) that the ritual and transport circles all over Erdreja are in flux and they will need to be re-mapped and we need to look in to their new alignments. I’ve already spoken to the other ritualists about getting this sorted and I’ve spoken to Isa about helping map them all out.

The Bael norn set up a fight to prove yourself or something like this, again I wasn’t paying attention but I did give out some paladin armour and a protection form paralysis from the Reliquary Gilzarn’s lagacy, which were very gratefully received and all they had to do was show acts of faith and devotion to the ancestors. Considering this was an item not originally wanted in the empire it has already been used more than some items, that have been around for a while. (Just saying I am awesome, and this shows it.)

Apparently, some followers of someone turned up and there was a ruckus, then Ineluki turned up and had an argument with himself but again didn’t get involved in this so unsure what happened. Whilst this was going on some, I want to say Harts??? spoke to me about solving the puzzles where it turns out 13 rites need to be done each one having at least one oath sworn Tarantula involved to bring forward an elven clan to fight. (Not sure about what other people think about this but how about we not fight the clans that our houses are ascended from as this seems like a really bad idea but again, I could be wrong I was tipsy at this point of the evening.) I asked again Isa to take notes I think she’s my unofficial scribe now. As this was getting in the way of my night off and I was to busy drinking. Don’t drink and plan the fate of your nation its never a good mix no matter what anyone tells you.

There was a so-called follower of Neeloc Raye going around asking Tarantulas to help with a poll. It was asking how the nation should be run the options I believe were –

• Keep it how it is currently run (at the moment the Val’sharess is fighting the chaos in agony so not the best option)

• Have the nation split up where different followers of different ancestor govern themselves (this will weaken the nation and potentially the Pantheon itself)

• Go back to a council (this would only work if you had a representative from each house there and not multiple people from the same house no matter their station.)

This is obviously someone looking to see how we are weak as a nation and how to break us. They did say a lot of people said we should have a Val’sharess again and others have said we need someone to be chosen by Lolth I for one can not speak for others as I do not know what they said but I hope they were not fall for a blatant spy, not sure who they were really working for it could be an enemy without or one within the nation but I say be careful what you say to someone you don’t know even if someone vouchers for them.

I did rant a little at this person as they chose to interrupt a meeting with my ritualists which I did not appreciate, but I didn’t kill them, To tell you the truth when Tathal decides to come back from meditation with Lolth I really can’t be bothered with the headache, the amount of times that man has givin me grief about my diplomantic ways. 

The evening finish with Barron making some sort of announcement if its important I’m sure someone will remind me of it, this was then followed by open prayers. I’m sure more stuff happened but I drank I spoke to people, went home didn’t cause any political incident so an ok night off.
