The incantors guild...war of the hypocrites.

So it started under rockholme, firstly there were a variety of intresting and mine unliving. Then we passed through the language barrier, pressing up we encountered fire elementals and stabbed them.
Then we encountered some huuuuuuge dwarfish barrow that got controlled and used to murder the second and then stabbed the first.

After fighting our way up we finally encountered the order of purity, they seemed almost competant bar their living patterns and lack of improvement, we purged them quickly by stabbing them until their weak untempered forms stopped moving.

Over the evening, some wisps turned up, I suggested killing the wisps but Damien said no. Nobody ever listens to knifetooth, orbs and wisps always bad.

Speak to ancestors bowl....became listen to ancestors, intresting how much less harmy they are when you don't poke them first. Note to self: Find out about Cathay.

Next day

More silly patternists, got called an abomination more times than if I'd gone for a walk through Albion. They are now the order of being dead on the floor...their patterns still....mostly pure.

We found a crypt full of ghouls...did... somthing and then left, making sure to forget to lock the door behind us...mostly because we got distracted by Arcadian Fae mostly, the Fae did an excellent job of dieing, one of them died their hardest...I like khazress, using the pretty sword with my innate power made sure that Fae didn't fuel their silly chair.

The 'elemental' wisps started possesing bodies...dead things shouldn't move or speak bad bad dead things, do not want. These bodies moved and fought...had their original memories WRONG BAD STOPPIT!
They had to be put down with damage, literally destroying the body and then dedicating the bits of pattern. Said the wisps were bad.

Next day
Stopped being dormant just in time to find the guild house under attack by the ghouls...whoops. Zanzas was a big shiny hero and locked the door so we could just mop up the escapees

The now Order of weakness brought out their boss, some Harris bloke. Biggest hypocrite on edrejia, full of elementals and claiming his pattern was fine, his minions got sad when we killed him and grumpy when we had his body. We gave it back, they got even grumpier and distracted me when I suggested we could make it walk for them. We would have let them go as the incantors warboss was being generous, but they took their time and ended up getting dedicated...don't understand why they didn't just run.

Now we are stuck here until midnight...stupid circle wards

......the healers guild have some interesting new members.
...need to find a spare set of eyeballs, potential to hide my true nature.

Note to self: Harass Hunts about trees.

Things with shards happened, dark shard is back now though.

Doom Rat
House Maelthra
