A visit was made, a prophecy granted and a boon given.

Early during the moot we were visited by three old faces, faces I had never expected to see again.

For those of you not old enough to remember the first age of elves, these were amongst the first of the Paladin Order.

Galen Tain, Champion of Zinzerena – The Hunter and Assassin
Yai Kenafin, Champion of Megwandiir – The Queen of Spiders
Juandell Gereshen, Champion of Zanassu – The Destroyer

They came with a warning of war; the betrayer would strike at us the next night. This warning came with a boon, Galen Tain returned Khaz’ress to myself in preparation for this war, in preparation for fighting the pretender.

During their visit, they also named a new champion of Zinzerena – Zansas V’rinn.

Come the Saturday, we started with a small but very important mission. We travelled to a section of the Underdark under Cathay, to retrieve an item of Regalia belonging to the Jade Emperor. It was a brick. It’s important apparently. 


A Precursor To War

As part of Carythwen Kerithrion’s Incantation trials we delivered the Arc of Lolth to the Incantors Guild, as well as the Crown of Unlife. During this, an attempt was made to serve the link to the ancestral plane from the crown. Aside from detonating a huge amount of power within the Incantors guild, this was a success.

Shortly afterwards Miso, Solitaire and myself were returned to the Ancestral Grove along with the Arc of Lolth. I am told this was sudden and unexpected and caused a little panic.

We were gifted a vision from the pantheon. The pretender was angry and acting rashly, he wanted revenge for the destruction of the Crown. But vengeance is Lolth’s territory, it’s an art she knows well. She turned to the pantheon, to those skilled in war, she turned to Selvertarm, she turned to Ineluki, she turned to Schandalun, and she called on the wisdom of the pantheon to plan an ambush.

So we were dispatched, Miso and myself were returned to the faction to prepare them for war.


The fight for the Altar

The pantheon sent us the cue, and war began. I personally led 4 groups to transport into Lolths Altar, the ancestors had sealed the circle. In time, the circle seal broke and the pretenders forces began their attack. But we were well prepared.

The battle for the altar lasted near two hours, but by the end the pretend had lost a true avatar and a significant number of resources.

I remained to the end, to witness an army of ancestral creatures descend on the altar, to protect it from future harm.

The Balance of Ineluki Mistrivven
