During the winter of 1117 an expedition was launched deep into the rift, seeking yet another remnant of the body of Khafran. Our forces gathered first at the City of Souls before we transported to the beacon named as Deep Strike. I must first apologise for the broken nature of this report, memories are as ever… unreliable.

Unsurprisingly, the body part was not conveniently prepared for us to take away immediately. There were a number of…. creatures in the area, they appeared to be quite mad. It turns out that they were former Illithid slaves and like others in their position – the loss of their former masters has left their minds in shreds. Interestingly these creatures appeared to be able to “hear” the minds of those around them. The creatures appeared to be slightly organised – The Illithids would control what they called a “node” with each node controlling a number of minions. The Nodes retained more sentience then the worker minions, but none of them were in a healthy mental state. I attempted to mind heal one to no avail, Lobos attempted to mind heal one of the Nodes… only for the link to move inside his mind – gradually driving him insane. Well more so than is normal.

Upon searching the immediate area, we discovered a number of Wychwood doors, each engraved by a paladin of the Order of Lolth. It appeared that each of these Paladins had sacrificed themselves to become unliving revenants, forever tasked with keeping the body part secure. It is unclear if these paladins were champions of the order or how it is such a large quantity of Wychwood came to be here.

It took a great deal of translation, but each panel was identified and connected to a revenant, and to an aspect of Lolth – whilst the runic name of the aspect was depicted, the identity was also riddled into the text of each. The vast amount of translation required during the course of the expedition was performed by Briseis, Kalina, Iza - as well as a number of others who assisted with other scripts and riddles.

Lothiriel represented by the paladin Lau’ceston
Aurashnee represented by the paladin To’thill
Lareth represented by the paladin Wea’re
Zinzerena represented by the paladin Fina’amore
Megwandiir represented by the paladin Swin’fen
Moandiir represented by the paladin No’rwich
Zanassu represented by the paladin Ken’net
Lolth represented by the paladin Erl’estoke

These paladins had hidden the body part away within a prison. Whether these paladins built the prison or simply co-opted it for their own use, I am unsure. However, one thing is certain; within each of the cells were incredibly powerful and unusual creatures. To gain entry to each cell required completing a puzzle or riddle for each of the revenants, once inside there was a further challenge to gain the key to allow exit from the cell. The key was spelled in a way as to prevent the occupants from ever being able to retrieve it themselves.

During the course of the weekend we were able to complete these challenges and released a large only a small number of the inmates. I personally was not responsible for the release of any creatures from any boxes, or the opening of any boxes. Almost all released creatures were deposited somewhere to not be our problem, thanks to our guests, and I am positive that there decisions will in no way come back to haunt them in the future.

Naturally it didn’t take long for the betrayer to work out what we were up to. Drey scouts reported his forces were moving in our direction, and sure enough they arrived shortly after. During these early attacks one of our guests was killed, a healer by the name of Mirabelle Macbeth of the Unicorns. She was unfortunately isolated and despite our best efforts we were unable to reach her in time.

Early on the Sunday morning, an attack by the betrayer’s forces was able to take four of our party, two wolves as well as Malakai and Tathal. As with when he was able to get me, he controlled them and sent them back to return with others – which they managed. They were discovered thanks to Briseis not being able to have her mind influenced through any means.

It took us three days to completely decipher all the riddles, and retrieve the key from each cell. Once done, we were set one further challenge; we were to face each of the paladins in combat fitting their nature. Unfortunately as this began the bulk of the betrayer’s forces arrived in an attempt to gain the part for themselves. This was not going to happen. A great battle ensued, and we successfully gained the body part, and were able to evade the betrayer’s forces long enough to get it to safety.

However, in the retreat one of the party was swept up in a transport rite by the pretenders forces. Decoy of the Wolves has been taken to Dobluthe. Bobbins organised a rescue party and went after him, unfortunately due to a mathematics failure they then left behind a gryphon instead.

A second rescue party was organised, unfortunately there was still a mathematics failure and this time Azazeal of the Gryphons was left behind. I am currently unsure whether he is still alive. In an attempt to save his life we sacrificed a tomb stone of unknown power. Most concerning is the betrayers interest in this item but it had become our only option to preserve the life of our guest.

Kalina's research has since determined that this stone may prove crucial in securing the final body parts, further research and recovery would appear to be imperative.

The Balance of Ineluki Mistrivven
