A few of the Wolverines attended the Order of Fenris and the Wolves at the Skogey, the village at the foot of the mountain that bears the Abbey of Fenris, for games and feasting.
On our way to the village we were assaulted by a band of orcs and we had to force our way through. Met by the order outside the village we started drinking we friends. We apologised to Captain Anders for the loss of his man at the poison gardens and in true Fenrisian fashion said that he was already dead as soon as he became a brother. Leech tried to begin his diplomatic mission to gain military aid from the wolves but because of his Unliving nature Lord Wolf Jaster refused to treat with him personally and left it to Atlas. There was a few more skirmishes with orcs that night but nothing serious.

On Saturday the games began First was the Sword and Shield but neither Leech nor I could not take part, unable to use shields. Next was the Circle of Treachery a Free for All with any skills being able to be used. We prepared and Leech and I took down all the wolves involved with my spells and Leech's skills with a spear and only we remained, that it when I struck and took leech down with a knife to the back. So I was victorious. Next was the Dagger Competition, one-on-one hit and retreat. His skills honed to I fine edge in back alley dagger fight behind many a brothel Leech was Victorious defeating Lord Jaster in the final. As we were champions we were not permitted to take part in other martial games.

Scouts had came back after finding the orcs had erected a great fort not too far away and taken some villagers as captives. We set out to save the hostages the main force to attack the fort as a distraction while scouts snuck in the back in a smash and grab mission. Singing their war songs the Order or Fenris lead the distraction, procuring a makeshift ram, they assaulted the gate while orcs dropped barrels of burning oil down upon them. the gate was not breached but the distraction worked and we gained valuable information. The feast then began in celebration. But the night was not done, a shipment of ale bound for the feast was attacked and taken by orcs. So we assembled to recapture it. One of the Brothers of Fenris gave his life in that fight to ensure the beer was safe.

On the Sunday we assaulted the fort again to wipe the orcs from the area. This was a savage battle but I personally took down the orc leader with my magics and we were victorious.

The Wolverines
