To all Military Personnel,

Firstly, I have made the following military Appointments;

Ryder of the Wolverines is now the faction War Commander.

Casteal of the Cult is now the factions head War Scout.

I expect everyone to give both individuals any support they require in carrying out their duties.


Now, on to more pressing matters; the spring moot saw a number of alarming events take place in the Underdark.

The age old magical seal over the city of Trentarus has been broken, allowing the daemon-Fey contained within to spill out and begin attacking the cities nearby.

So far we have lost contact with the transport circles at the Cave of Whispers, The Altar of Lolth, and The Underdark Library, as well as Trentarus itself. A further assault was made by the daemon-fey on Lolths Altar (not to be confused with ‘The Alter of Lolth’), our Huge ritual Circle and Home to the faction Paladin Bloodline.

During the faction muster on the Sunday several people linked to the circle received visions of Lolth detonating a weapon of the enemy before they could use it to take control of the ritual circle. The resulting explosion collapsed the cave around the circle, which, due to its protective wards has remained intact. Culfich, Xentaal and I transported to the circle but could find little else of use.

The V, VI, and XII Armies under Nurzul, Ryder, and Myself have been dispatched to meet this threat, whilst the I and II armies have been re-deployed to protect Dobluthe and Elfs Demise.

The City of Rivenrock has also been attacked, however we are not sure as to the identity of the attackers. War scouts were dispatched on the Sunday night, as well the Tarantulan III Army Under Yaskel.

To the North, the IX and XI Armies are still engaged at Nakkiga. This situation is likely to remain unchanged unless we can locate the Final Keystone needed to kill the resident Death Knight.

Finally, the XIII Army has remained Dyar Turic to rebuild its strength, following the war in Al’Quafar.

Our military is likely to be engaged in a widespread conflict for at least the next full year.
Regular councils will be held will all those of military rank at every surface gathering.

It is imperative that we move quickly and decisively, lest the underdark fall into total chaos.

Be ready at the Fayre.

Lord Marshall of the Tarantula Nation
