Followers of Vhaerun are secretive by nature and necessity. Information about Vhaerun and his followers is often hard to come by

Vhaerun is the ancestor of thievery and the furthering of Drow power on the surface world. He is also the patron deity of Drow males, teaching a heresy (according to Lolth) that Drow males are the equals of Drow females. He favors underhanded means and treachery to achieve his goals. His priesthood is exclusively male, and priests usually hide their true vocation in Drow communities. Vhaerun is passively opposed to Lolth. He knows he is not powerful enough to oppose her directly... yet.

Vhaerun wishes to re-unite the elven people and to this end sometimes his followers work alongside Eilistraee's. He considers all elves to be superior to all other races, however, and wishes only to have elves dominate all other races. Vhaerun's loyalty is to all elves, but unlike Eilistraee, he primarily wants the Drow to be the dominant race. He would like to see the surface elves serving as the enforcers of the "true masters", the Drow, who would rule from the depths of the earth.

If Vhaerun appears, he is always clad in leather armour and an over-robe and has hair and eyes that change colour with his emotional state (red when angry, blue when amused, gold when triumphant, etc.)

Vhaerun Riklaurin was the leader of Clan Riklaurin of the Miyeritari


Skiasca is the Illythiiri ancestor of the moon and elemental magics, Skiasca prizes knowledge of spellcrafting above all else and rewards her followers with dreams that impart further knowedge of magic.

Skiasca appears to her follows as a dream, and in those dreams appears as an Elven woman with silver hair that sparkles as if under the moon. She loves her children, but can be quick to anger if knowledge is not passed on to others who are worthy.

Skiasca Aryvandaar was the leader of Clan Aryvandaar of the Illythiiri

Skiasca by Julio Delgado GonzálezSkiasca by Julio Delgado González


Schandalun is a lawful ancestor who believes that there is a process and structure to all things. He encourages his followers to hone their craft skills and to complete every task to perfection. He will reward great acts of craftsmanship, and will punish laziness in craftsmanship.

He appears to his followers as an aged Elf in simple clothing, carrying a magnificent crafted weapon of some type.

Schandalun Taurenean was the leader of Clan Taurenean of the Miyeritari.


Selvetarm is the champion of Araushnee and the patron of Drow warriors. Seen as the embodiment of unequaled fighting prowess, Selvetarm is worshiped by a few Drow in the northern and western reaches of the Underdark beneath Erdreja, particularly Deep Drow House Ki'Net'Innis and House D'Brassik.

Cruel and malicious by nature, Selvetarm cares only for battle and destruction. The Champion of Lolth harbors a deep hatred for all living things, including his dominating mistress, and the only beauty he can appreciate is a well-honed and deadly fighting style. Selvetarm can exhibit a great deal of patience while waiting for prey to fall into an ambush he has set, but he prefers the wild abandon of battle frenzy to a careful and deliberate attack.

Selvetarm appears as a Drow Warrior with highly ornate armour and weapons of his choosing.


Neeloc Raye teaches that without knowing who we are, we cannot know what we will become. He teaches his followers to record the Elven history and to ensure the survival of the Elven way of life. He will reward his followers for uncovering lost artefacts or recording an event of great value, and will punish any who loses an item of great value or fails to record what is happening around them.


He appears to his followers as a Elven child in noble clothing coloured black, purple and gold he is often seen holding a picture of Erdreja that continually revolves
