This piece was written by Larethian, Lothiriels husband. It was discovered during a joint venture by the Tarantulas and the Incantors Guild

I remember the beginning of days, when all on the face of the World was new and full of life. I remember the time when the land and seas would rise and fall to our bidding and all was in harmony. I remember a time before there was time, when four great cities stood upon the wellsprings of the World we have come to know as Erdreja.

I remember the time when Lothiriel Cancarneyar walked at my side and we shared counsel long into the night. Lothiriel Cancarneyar, her wisdom was as great as her love for her people and the love for her people, as powerful as the love we shared for one another. Immortal we were, and innocent, full of the wonder of life, tempered with the import of the task before us.
I remember the rise and fall of Lothiriel Even-Hand.

When Mordred came to us and spoke long of things he had discovered of the Art, we listened with eager ears, for even then, the task we laboured with weighed heavy upon our shoulders and we longed to find means that would ease it. In our wide-eyed innocence, we could not know what we would unleash upon Erdreja, guided by the hand of Mordred. Neither could we have known whom guided Mordred's hand in turn, nor why Pendraeg too, gave his sanction to our searches.

So it was that Time came to Erdreja and those that were immortal suddenly knew mortality. We looked in horror as we aged before each other's eyes; A concept so alien to us as to be inconceivable. Long did the Elven Mages labour on a cure for the condition and we devised the Ritual of Gazing, wherein we would gaze deep into the eyes of Erdreja and beg her for aid.

Five strode into the circle beneath Morias. Four Kings and a Queen, of Elven blood, the First of the First. Five descended deep into the Earth beneath and placed their heads upon the stone therein. Of the Five, none would emerge unchanged. Of the Five, Caelen was changed that he would ever walk in the dream of Erdreja. Rulien Sylvanost ever after would be rigid of thought. Sereg was transformed to a being trapped between life and the death; his pattern ceased to dance. I emerged immortal as the rest of the Kings, but the price I would pay was almost more than I could bear, for Lothiriel did not emerge. She was the first to die upon the face of Erdreja, Struck by Evron's dagger and I was the first to know grief.

It was here that I witnessed the dragon choose her and thwart the greed of Satuun.

So began the time known as the Reverie, in which those whom had known Lothiriel lamented and keened and cried to the heavens and depths, forsaking our duties to Erdreja, lost in our grief and sorrow. More were lost to the Plane of Death in the years that followed and those that mourned Lothiriel mourned them also, so great was the horror and pain Time had wrought upon the World. Whilst observing the years of Reverie, many Elves, myself included, lost their path and purpose. When the White Council convened, Lord Rulien stood to the fore, declaring that those Elves that observed the Reverie and honoured the fallen so must cease and forget them.

In my rage at Lord Silvanost's words and sickened with grief for the loss of fair Lothiriel, I called upon her name and the power I knew she wielded, bidding her to smite Silvanost and so was Lord Silvanost smote by Lothiriel's power. By this action, the magic we call Incantation was born and Lothiriel became the first of the Elder Ancestors. When others heard of my actions, they too began to call on the magic's of Lothiriel and other Ancestors dear to them. By this way did Incantation proliferate throughout the Elder World.


Here came the second betrayal of Evron Satuun 

As Elves learned the power held by the Ancestors, Everon whispered dark secrets to them, teaching them how to ask the Ancestors to cause great harm and bring ill to those whom opposed their followers. So did many followers of Lolthiriel Cancarneyar fall to darkness and come to be known as Darker Elves, using their magic's for woe rather than weal. This in turn corrupted the Ancestors themselves, twisting their will and purpose to that of their followers. This aspect of the law of contagion remains true of all Ancestors now, save a few whom have taken measures and made contingencies.

So began the fall of Lolthiriel and the beginning of a time of strife, ever after remembered with pain as the Sundering Wars.

In the years of darkness that followed, brother turned on sister and father on son, mother on daughter. Lines drawn along belief and faith; one side believing that the Darker Elf path was correct and that the Reverie should not be abandoned; the other that the Reverie should be abandoned, along with its corruption.

For myself, my choice would surprise many, but I had my reasons; I chose the path that would see the Reverie abandoned. I hunted my kin, with my rivals at my side, straight to the mouth of the underworld. There, great magic's were wrought amidst the strife of terrible battle and a rent was torn in the side of the mountain. Into this rent, we pushed the Darker Elves. My followers and soldiers staying their hands wherever possible, that Darker Elves might live, and the line of Lothiriel survive. At the battle's climax, the rent sealed with an almighty crash that shook the ground and heavens alike, and the Darker Elves were lost to the light. Perhaps, I still hope, not forever.

There, in the darkness beneath the World, Lolthiriel waited, watching over her people as they sickened and died in their caverns, cut off from the source. There, she wept for her people and sought ways to ward them from the radiations, feed them and nurture them.


Here came the third betrayal of Evron Satuun.

Seeking only her line's survival, Lolthiriel drank deep of Everon's corruption, making dark pacts with him that her people would pay for all eternity, until the cycle is broken. Her people were struck black, to warn them from the radiations and hide them from the eyes of their enemies beneath the rocks. Lothiriel, too, withered and a new aspect became dominant, Queen of Spiders. Lolth, she became, and her children, the Drow.

Long have I considered this fate and lamented the decisions I made during the Sundering War. Had I chosen to side with her, I may have saved her from her fate. Had I chosen not to stay my hand, I might have saved her from her corruption. Erdreja and its peoples will be my judge, just as they were my executioner. When my judgement is heard, I will not shy from it. In the mean time, I shall strive to save my Lothiriel, and bring her kin back to the light.
