House MlezzirHouse Mlezzir

House Mlezzir is the noble house of clan Keltormiir, one of the original Aquillari clans who sided with the Dark Elves during the Sundering. The original Aquillari lands were closest to the great ocean in what would now be northern Cymria. From here our clan forebears built the great haven of Erest, where wytchwood ships were crafted to explore the great oceans and be instrumental in mapping the egg, Erdreja.

The house was founded by Kanchelsis Keltomiir, born to Kal'an'ath and Rian Keltormiir. A notable mage of the Elven White Council and apprentice to Lyander, (the scion of the Elven mages), who went through the rite of dissolution from the Dragon-Born clan founder Ma'azbiir. Soon after this separation Kanchelsis retired to his tower, there to research the demonic teachings of his former master.


The symbol most common seen for House Mlezzir is based on the Dark Elven Runic symbol for Ma'azbiir, featuring the addition of skeletal "wings" portraying the demonic heritage of the household.


House Mlezzir is a noble household of Clan Keltomiir of the Aquillari. Many of Clan Keltomiir chose not to undertake The Ritual and as such maintain the traditional Elven appearance.


House Mlezzir controls the City of Souls, as was historically founded by the households patriarch. Whilst Faerothrond was destroyed by the Demonfey during the original wars with them, the city was rebuilt and is respectfully still referred to as Faerothrond, however its common name of City of Souls is used more regularly.

Kanchelsis founded the city of Faerothrond (City of Souls) in the southern underdark, a deep city nestled beneath the stormy waters of the Erin channel, its location chosen due to its proximity to the lands of clan Faerondarl (House Karrash-Morr) and the natural phenomenon of the Flaming Well. Today the city lies on the banks of The Glimmersea (created by the effect of the Conclave attack in 1096 where the ancient sea locks were destroyed) with a thriving fishing community. It is also the home of the Shadowing, a strange and deadly malady caused by the destruction of the Pillars of Azaroth ritual circle during the Cataclysm of water in 497AF, where rips in the veil exist between our plane and the plane of unlife and the void itself.


House Mlezzir is a little unusual in respect to Dark Elven clans, in that they do not adhere to the strict matriarchal structure as found elsewhere. However, whilst their internal politics do not reflect those of the rest of the faction, they do maintain the utmost respect for the structures as are typical throughout the Underdark.

Nobility and merit are much more crucial values to leadership within House Mlezzir. 

Recent History

House Mlezzir suffered heavily during the war with the Viper Faction, with many of their nobles falling in 1111TF. The household has suffered further trauma with the City of Souls being sundered by the Guardian just a few years later. 

Due to historical connections to the Demonfey the house has found themselves top of the Demonfeys persecution list and several attempts have been made against prominent members in recent years.
