This content predates Rules V4.x and may not be relevant to the way the game world works now

Research Article

The information contained in this article is the result of research done by players from within the Game World. The contents are only as factual as the original author intended and should not be unduly modified.

The cup was first crafted by Schandalun Taurenean as a gift for the wedding of Lolthiriel Camcarneyar and Larethian Thuleandor shortly after the building of Morias. This cup became central to many ceremonies conducted by Lolthiriel whilst she was queen of the Illythiiri clans. After the death of the queen many of the items she had treasured and used often in life started to manifest strange powers, the cup was amongst these.

At the first the cup seemed to promote good health and well being within those who had the cup in their possession but as time wore on it seemed to increase in power. During the sundering war between the Elves the cup first displayed its power to heal. Again at first this was limited to the person who carried it but as the war intensified the wielder began to able to use its power to heal a number of other people each day. The cup continued to display healing powers for some time, but as the nature of worship towards Lolthiriel changed so did the powers of the cup.

As Lolthiriel became known as Araushnee so the powers of the cup evolved, the healing powers began to fade bur the bearer began to receive visions and flashes of insight that would shape the future of the dark elves. In this form the cup became a royal treasure of the dark elven empresses that would follow.

The centuries rolled by and the dark elves continued to venerate their queen in new ways and these began to change her into what become known as Lareth. Lareth was known as the temptress and during this period the priesthood of the Dark elves became paranoid and formed great inquisitions. During this time the cup began to exhibit powers that could compel the truth from those who drank from it whilst its former powers faded away. The cup displayed these powers until the descent into the underdark. As the dark elves moved into the underdark they were required to hunt far and wide to gather food and water to sustain such a large population, in time this need for a large hunter caste caused Lareth to transform into Zinzerena the hunter.

Under this aspect the cup lost its powers to compel the truth and began to empower its wielder with extraordinary tracking skills. As this hunter caste became ever more important to the survival of the dark elves, the hunters themselves began to emulate the emotionless predators of the underdark, in particular the giant spiders of the underdark. As this emulation became a widespread cult amongst the dark elves so the aspect changed once more from Zinzerena the hunter to Megwandiir the spider.

Under this aspect the cup no longer granted tracking skills but began to manufacture poison. This state of affairs lasted for centuries until eventually a terrible social and moral decay took root in the dark elf kingdom and this caused Megwandiir to transform into Moandiir the aspect of corruption.

Under this aspect the healing powers of the cup returned but they only worked on the unliving. This corruption and the break down of society led to the great purge, a period of civil war which saw the almost complete destruction of dark elven civilisation.

Throughout this period Moandiir became Zanassu the destroyer, and as such the cup once again lost its powers to heal and instead bestowed combat abilities on those who drunk from it. As the great purge ended the machinations of the paladins led to the final change in aspect and Lolth was born. From then until 1100AF the cup had the power to replicate any liquid placed within it, whether potion, poison or other.

This state off affairs lasted until a small sect began to once more believe and call on Lolthiriel. This had the effect of the healing powers once more returning to the cup but now it could heal both the living and the unliving as the powers within it fluctuate between the good of Lolthiriel and the evil of Lolth.
