This content predates Rules V4.x and may not be relevant to the way the game world works now

Research Article

The information contained in this article is the result of research done by players from within the Game World. The contents are only as factual as the original author intended and should not be unduly modified.

I, Triss Kerithrion, Champion of Lolth, declare that there is only one Ancestor, before whom all Drow must bow down and worship.

Any who dare defy the will of Lolth and call upon her by any other name or worse yet any other ancestor shall face the wrath of the faithful. Bow before her and beg for forgiveness, because the justice of the faithful will be swift and all heretics shall fall beneath our blades, as the cities of the Underdark rise up once again to purge the heretics from our midst. Read your histories and tremble. There is no room for unbelievers in our ranks. Convert or die. Glory in the splendour of Lolth.

The might of Lolth shall sweep across the Underdark carried upon the shoulders of the devout and sweep the weak and lost in its path away. Praise be to Lolth. Fear not for the day of truth is at hand. There shall be no more doubts, no more subversion, no more lies. Rejoice under the watchful gaze of Lolth. Watch as her enemies are smitten before your eyes.

There is no Ancestor but Lolth. We fight for her. We kill in her name. Our salvation is coming. Our knives are sharp, our arms strong and our shields steady. Be swept in the waves of the uprising and add your might to the purification. Devotion is your only salvation. All will be as it should be and the strength of our faith plain for all to see, as we create once again one nation unified under the watchful gaze of the one true ancestor, Lolth.

Lolth tlu malla.
