1101 AF

1101 saw the Wolves start to expand and colonise the Northern Wastes of Erdreja. Finding a lost temple to the Morrigan, the Wolves invited the Bears to join them and co-host upon their lands and to reopen the temple at the Gathering.
The year also saw the return of the Lions to Erdreja. Cast out from the realm of Avalon, they literally crashed back into the seas of Erdreja on their island. The crash landing of the Holy Isle caused the lands of Lantia to re surface and formed the new landed location for the faction.
It was discovered during the year that the destruction of the Tome Of Fire had released Satuun’s pattern from where Floris Illias had bound him.
In the late spring of this year Maar the facelesses involvement in many of the trouble was uncovered, by the form of a past master incantor Papa, Who him self had turned to evil. The joint forces of the Factions stood against Maar and Lord Gustav of the Vipers fought him one on one matching Dark Arts, till now rumoured to be at Gustav’s command. Maar was defeated by Gustav and those in attendance this day, and destroyed.
The Aegyptians and other people of the Southern Continent, hosts of a previous Gathering attended, as guests within the Unicorn’s Faction.
During the event, an amazing discovery was made in a ice cave behind the temple to the Morrigan. A very ancient and ornate set of balanced sixteen-way scales. The scales were encased in magic and looked like they were almost alive, set within a scene. Old and wise people stated that they seemed to measure the ebbs and flows of Erdreja.
The Tome of Fire was reformed after one ritual which tried to bring it back failed and killed the ritualist, indeed the ritual only succeeded in summoning and enraging Golgamoth. who slew the ritualist. Later a second ritual then took place, completed by the Mages Guild. They reformed the Tome Of Fire later that evening, which caused the pulses started the previous year to weaken.
During the Gathering Lord Gustav stepped into the Void with a small retinue stating he had other matters to deal with now. Those left who were close to him believe he will return.
The battle itself was a held to decide whom would host the next years Gathering much like a Grand Melee.
The two facing armies were uneven in size. The side of the Dragons, Gryphons, Harts, Lions and Unicorns had superior numbers and started by advancing across the battle field to meet the opposition.
The smaller army held its position and with some great leadership tactics on the part of the Bears, Tarantulas Vipers and Wolves, this led them to a victory. Declared hosts for 1102 were the Factions of the Vipers and the Tarantulas.
